For all your kits related to school and kids,
I made a cute Ruler transformed into a Giraffe...
If you uncross the "Numbers" layer, you will have a lovely Giraffe
great to use in all your kits.
The script will pause to allow you to choose your own colors, patterns,
texture or gradients using the materials palette,
so it could match your designer's needs.
The script is interactive and ends in layers,
so you can customize this element at your wishes.
The script has been tested in Psp 9 through X6
and requires NO OUTSIDE PLUG-IN.
Here, I made a stapler that you can create in a lot of colors and that will be great to use in all your office or "Back to School" kits !
The script will pause to allow you to choose your own colors, patterns, texture or gradients using the materials palette, so it could match your designer's needs. The script is interactive and ends in layers, so you can customize this element at your wishes. The script has been tested in Psp 9 through X6 and requires NO OUTSIDE PLUG-IN.
I like to have original office accessories on my desk, so I made a design dispenser nice to use in your office or "Back to School" kits !
The script will pause to allow you to choose your own colors, patterns, texture or gradients using the materials palette, so it could match your designer's needs. The script is interactive and ends in layers, so you can customize this element at your wishes. The script has been tested in Psp 9 through X6 and requires NO OUTSIDE PLUG-IN.
For all your kits related to school and office, this is a memory key that you can have opened and/or closed.
The script will pause to allow you to choose your own colors, patterns, texture or gradients using the materials palette, so it could match your designer's needs. The script is interactive and ends in layers, so you can customize this element at your wishes. The script has been tested in Psp 9 through X6 and requires NO OUTSIDE PLUG-IN.
A color pencil is going to colour your life :) Nice to use in your office or "Back to School" kits !
The script will pause to allow you to choose your own colors, patterns, texture or gradients using the materials palette, so it could match your designer's needs. The script is interactive and ends in layers, so you can customize this element at your wishes. The script has been tested in Psp 9 through X6 and requires NO OUTSIDE PLUG-IN.
Some soft trade winds arriving to us from tropical countries, with this kit in Coral colors.
It contains 70 elements saved in *.png format and 25 papers saved in *.jpg format (800 x 800 px). All items are separated and on transparent background.
A summer breeze coming from tropical countries
with this adds-on kit...
It contains 25 elements saved in *.png format
and 12 papers saved in *.jpg format (800 x 800 px).
All items are separated and on transparent background.